

Version 1 – 2021

Welcome To Your Blog

There is no one way to view the world. If humanity has proved anything it is that truth is complicated, multi-layered and infinitely diverse. And I find that refreshing. In the world of my youth I rarely heard from people who were really different than me. In fact the most diverse we got was when a Baptists and a Methodist had an argument. These days I enjoy the work of spiritual teachers from all walks of life and faith traditions. It’s refreshing, and it brings me hope.

There is so much good in the world, and there are people out there doing their best to push back the darkness with their own kind of light. Today I’d like to share some of my favorites with you. The list below are all bloggers (or blog teams). They come from a variety of backgrounds, but they all write about spiritual wellness, emotional health, and personal growth (among other things) from their own perspective.

I hope something in this list will strike a cord, or challenge you, or give you a moment of joy or connection. We human beings are weird, complicated critters. And that’s what I like best about us.

Version 2 – 2021

Messages from the Soul

Every soul is naturally drawn to truth and every soul’s truth is personal, complicated, multi-layered and divinely diverse.  The exciting gift about life and our journey together on this wonderful planet is there are infinite ways to experience the World…which brings infinite opportunities to discover your truth.  This is the reason for our blog!

Every week a variety of new messages, short stories, exercises, mini rune readings, messages from animal spirits will be added to help you.

The messages are shared by Clayton and guests who write and teach about spiritual wellness, mental health, emotional health and personal growth. Their messages are based upon their souls’ journey and truth. Some messages will resonate.
Some will agitate, some will bring you hope, some will bring you joy.

Finally, this is your blog for you to use as you see fit.
You can dip in and out, use it for daily wisdom, or read each message in turn.

Your Soul will guide you.

So, what guidance do you seek?

Version 1 – 2021

Search And You Shall Find

There are lots of categories the blogs are organised by. Below are all the categories you can choose from. Feel free to peruse around according to your liking to make sure your needs are met. below, the immediate top category is the most recent articles and what immediate top category is the most recent articles and what category they belong in and at the bottom are the older ones. Enjoy! 

Version 2 – 2021

Search And You Shall Find

There are many categories our blogs are organised by.  The most recent blogs are below and here are all the categories you can choose from.

Still can’t find it?

If you cannot the guidance you seek, either by searching or chooseing a category, please message us and we will source or channel a unique, personal and individual response for you.


Blog Posts

24h Negativity Detox

24h Negativity Detox

24hr Negativity Detox As featured in Soul & Spirit Magazine We all experience negativity.  It is a natural and normal psychological and physical message from your mind, body and spirit letting you know something is not quite right or how you think it should...

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Stop Sabotaging Your Health

Stop Sabotaging Your Health

How to Stop Sabotaging your Health? Is your negativity making you unhealthy? Or are the choices you are making in your life making you unhealthy? Or both? In essence, it is both. In fact one leads to the other; furthermore if both go unchecked it often leads to...

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Happy, healthy relationships with yourself and others Relationships are the bedrock of life. Nourishing. Fulfilling. Enjoyable. Engaging. Supportive. Of course, they can be challenging, too. All manner of complications, conflict, and resentment can be caused by...

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