Banish Your Negativity in 2021

Banish Your Negativity in 2021

Banish Your Negativity in 2021 As featured in The Voice Blog The New Year is always a time for reflection and forward planning. When Christmas and all of the festivities are over, many of us enjoy the anticipation and excitement of what the year ahead may bring. This...
24h Negativity Detox

24h Negativity Detox

24hr Negativity Detox As featured in Soul & Spirit Magazine We all experience negativity.  It is a natural and normal psychological and physical message from your mind, body and spirit letting you know something is not quite right or how you think it should...
Stop Sabotaging Your Health

Stop Sabotaging Your Health

How to Stop Sabotaging your Health? Is your negativity making you unhealthy? Or are the choices you are making in your life making you unhealthy? Or both? In essence, it is both. In fact one leads to the other; furthermore if both go unchecked it often leads to...