February 2022
Are you looking for an engaging and energising speaker with a difference?
Clayton is a dynamic, passionate and inspiring speaker, sought after international consultant and author of the multi-award winning, No1 best seller – The Ego’s Code
Clayton regularly speaks in both Corporate and Mind, Body, Spirit
arenas nationally and internationally

Feb 2022
Watch Showreel

Feb 2022
Clayon’s Story In Relation to Speaking – OLD Feb 2022
I experienced a reading with Clayton that was like no other experience before. To label it with words, limits it, but I really want to share the extraordinary gift Clayton IS in the world.
I live in California and he in England so he provided the reading over Skype. Location doesn’t matter. He started by sharing some information from my guides. Then he introduced me to my guides one by one.
Then he introduced the runes and WOW! The information he shared throughout the call resonated and landed as truth in my body. It felt like a direct call from the divine coming through an angel named Clayton. I trusted I would hear what I needed and listened and received with curiosity, wonder and an open heart.
For six weeks, I have walked with this information, noticing the inspiration arising from the experience in so may ways. Before writing this recommendation I listened to the recorded call for the first time and it blows my mind how much has come to pass. There were specific instructions and I’ve been following them without any need to listen to the recording. AND also inspired to continue with even greater, focused energy.
My recent life challenges directed me to Clayton and I had already two fantastic reading sessions within a span of six months. Clayton explained to me circumstances behind what was happening, why I had so many challenges. I received answers to all my questions, I have been given tools to work with and guidance on how to transform my life challenges in the long term. I can highly recommend working with Clayton. His unique talent and skills helped me enormously.
Just had the most amazing reading with this gentleman, Clayton Ainger! I’ve been having readings from Clayton for the past 7 years now, and I have always experienced, clear, accurate and insightful information from him, never more so than NOW.

Feb 2022
Topics Clayton Speaks To

Once you’re conscious, start the congruent self program, longer and deeper than consciousness challenge
Coming Soon in 2021. One of the things I most enjoy about the internet is how easy it has become to find, and get to know, really awesome people. A big part of that is thanks the invention of the blog. Before the digital revolution you really only had access to the articles your local paper chose to run, or books put out by those authors who managed to pitch their idea to a major publishing house. The result was a pretty small set of options in what you could read, controlled by others, and doled out very, very slowly.
The Fundamentals
Lorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem Ipsum
The New Traveller
Lorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem Ipsum
The Curious Traveller
Lorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem Ipsum
Feb 2022
Other Topics Clayton Speaks To

Once you’re conscious, start the congruent self program, longer and deeper than consciousness challenge
Coming Soon in 2021. One of the things I most enjoy about the internet is how easy it has become to find, and get to know, really awesome people. A big part of that is thanks the invention of the blog. Before the digital revolution you really only had access to the articles your local paper chose to run, or books put out by those authors who managed to pitch their idea to a major publishing house. The result was a pretty small set of options in what you could read, controlled by others, and doled out very, very slowly.
The Fundamentals
Lorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem Ipsum
The New Traveller
Lorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem Ipsum
The Curious Traveller
Lorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem IpsumLorem Ipsum
Feb 2022
Past Events

To be truly congruent, you need to be truly conscious first
Start moving into being congruent by raising your consciousness levels first
Challenge yourself to becoming more conscious every day with daily meditations, journalling, reflecting, observing and being more aware of your own levels of consciousness. I am a coach to Board Room Executives, Senior Leaders in large global organisations, House Husbands, Housewives, professional speakers, lawyers, teachers, students and everyone in between. The point is people are people, it is not what you ‘do’ that matters, it’s who you are in your heart, in your soul and are you happy!

Feb 2022
Words of Praise

Feb 2022
Book Clayton at Your Event

Clayton will rock your world
Focuses on chakras and heals your whole body, brings you in tune with your soul and you’re good to go. Focuses on chakras and heals your whole body, brings you in tune with your soul and you’re good to go. Focuses on chakras and heals your whole body, brings you in tune with your soul and you’re good to go. Focuses on chakras and heals your whole body, brings you in tune with your soul and you’re good to go. Focuses on chakras and heals your whole body, brings you in tune with your soul and you’re good to go. Focuses on chakras and heals your whole body, brings you in tune with your soul and you’re good to go. Focuses on chakras and heals your whole body, brings you in tune with your soul and you’re good to go. Focuses on chakras and heals your whole body, brings you in tune with your soul and you’re good to go.