Meet Clayton
July 2022
July 2022

July 2022
Get to Know Clayton in 60 Seconds

July 2022
MyJourney of Awakening
Hi I’m Clayton John Ainger!
It’s my pleasure to welcome you to my website!
I am so excited to share with you a little about me and even more excited to get to know you and experience your magic!
Every day we all experience negativity whether it be feelings, emotions, actions, behaviour or self-talk. For many people it causes them to sabotage success, relationships, health, wellbeing and finances ultimately preventing them from fully experiencing their life and living their dreams.
How do I know? Because this was me!
In my own life I have regularly experienced such intense negativity I sabotaged my success, my weight, my health and vitality, my relationships, my career, my finances and my spirituality.
Let me share a few examples with you…

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Regarding my health and weight. I used to be 18 stones (252 lbs.) I remember binging on chocolate, sweets and biscuits to sooth the pain inside. On one particular day, I didn’t just eat one bar of chocolate…I ate ten! Today, I am proud to say that I am a healthy 13 stone (182 lbs.) and have been for the majority of the past 10 years.
Regarding my career and finances. I used to be an accountant and tax consultant but for 10 years I was so unhappy and unfulfilled. I left with no money and high debts to start my own consultancy business, which I have grown to a high six-figure turnover that is now on course for seven figures.
Regarding my relationships. I went from being divorced, alone, feeling unworthy of love, to being very happily married and deeply in love with my twin flame soul mate.
Regarding my spirituality. I was so afraid of what people would think and say about me that I hid my gifts for years. I have experienced psychic attacks from, so called teachers, who tried to get me to stop. I now give readings to people all over the world. I run spiritual events and have written my first book called The Ego’s Code, which is a two-time award winning, number one best seller.
I am not sharing this to impress you. I am sharing this with you to show you what is possible when you are true to yourself, get out of your own way and live in your truth. I am very comfortable in my own skin and I have accepted who I am and all that I am as a limitless being. I play many roles in my life – husband, daddy, son, brother, friend, creative entrepreneur, business owner, health nut, shaman, psychic medium, speaker, author just to name a few – and I love them all!
I have learned over the years that there are no coincidences and that in hindsight everything happens for a reason, until you stop living in your past. As I have shared above, like you, I have experienced challenges, hardship and negativity, sometimes to the point of incapacitation. Would I change the challenges that I have experienced, the hardships I have overcome, the negativity I have endured? Absolutely not, because what I have experienced in my life has helped me to become who I am today.
However, what I recognised is that the challenges, the hardships, the negativity went on a lot longer than was necessary, because even though I intellectually knew better, I did not do better, by making the necessary changes in my life when I could have done – I kept on playing out what seemed like the same scenarios in my life. It was like I was living in a trance.
Life is here to be lived, through our experiences, good and bad, and by definition you will experience adversity, challenges, hardship and negativity, but you are not meant to “live in it”. Life leaves clues and patterns so that you can quickly get the learning from the ‘negative’ experience and use it to experience more happiness and joy in life.
Unfortunately sometimes we all become consumed, and lost in the mire, the heaviness and unhappiness. What if I could help you to identify the patterns and clues in your challenges, your hardships, your negativity, so that you use this to experience more happiness and joy?
I would love to help you do exactly that. In a nutshell, that is what you will learn working with me, as well as experience the amazing changes you want for you, in your life!
So, I invite you to give yourself the gift of you!
Embrace the best of who you are! Experience your magic!
Live the life you are meant to live.
All my love
July 2022
Learning from my Ego

My Ego – my fears, mental health journey
I too had my own journey, gorgeous and beautiful.
There seems to be a sophisticated spiritual awakening process that the universe follows, to navigate us from the state of autopilot living, to conscious living. While our journeys are unique, and the catalysts for our growth differ per our soul contracts, here are my observations of what the various stages of spiritual growth encompass and adding more words to make the site pretty.
I hope that this resource will help you understand how to start, or even how to continue your spiritual journey.
The Ego's Code Meditation
Free yourself of negativity! The Ego’s Code meditation is a powerful healing journey. Regular users of the meditation have confirmed it helps to free you of the negativity and pain that holds you back, brings clarity and dissolve obstacles that previously sabotaged success
It's free!
July 2022
Respecting me

My Heart
My relationship with Me
I too had my own journey, gorgeous and beautiful.
There seems to be a sophisticated spiritual awakening process that the universe follows, to navigate us from the state of autopilot living, to conscious living. While our journeys are unique, and the catalysts for our growth differ per our soul contracts, here are my observations of what the various stages of spiritual growth encompass and adding more words to make the site pretty.
I hope that this resource will help you understand how to start, or even how to continue your spiritual journey.

July 2022
Trusting in my Soul

My Soul – trusting in the Divine

I too had my own journey, gorgeous and beautiful.
There seems to be a sophisticated spiritual awakening process that the universe follows, to navigate us from the state of autopilot living, to conscious living. While our journeys are unique, and the catalysts for our growth differ per our soul contracts, here are my observations of what the various stages of spiritual growth encompass and adding more words to make the site pretty.
I hope that this resource will help you understand how to start, or even how to continue your spiritual journey.
July 2022
Today …

Whatever brought you to my website
Welcome …
I am pleased you are here
Sooner or later, your first reality check hits you. At that point, you understand that you’ve been goofing around and getting this spiritual stuff all wrong. So far, the journey was on and off, you weren’t committed. But in this and the upcoming stages of a spiritual awakening, you experience yourself getting into a serious relationship with the Universe and its magic. Some people consider this the mysticism phase.
Here are things that you begin to realize:
- You are fully accountable for clearing out your karmic debts and taking the plunge towards an enlightened existence;
- The universe is always helping you attain enlightenment, but it is your choice how fast you want to learn the lessons being
- No one’s journey is better or worse than the other’s;
- We are all one, merely here to experience our duality and expand the consciousness of existence;
- Our key objectives are to heal ourselves and help others heal in their journeys;
- And so on….
As an attempt to ascend faster, you will thus notice a growing inclination towards certain spiritual healing techniques. In all the stages of a spiritual awakening, this one is perhaps the most exciting and I’m adding words
July 2022
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July 2022
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The Ego's Code Meditation
Designed to complement the book, The Ego’s Code, this meditation is a powerful 45-minute healing journey that helps to detox the negativity from your life and improve your self-worth so you can live with more joy and happiness.
Recorded in 432 Hz, the music in this meditation has been channelled to help you release and heal negative energy blockages, distress, and unhappiness. As you heal, you will experience a deep inner transformation that reunifies your mind with your body, your body with your soul, and your soul with nature.
The Ego's Code Meditation guides you through four sections - grounding and merging your consciousness with Mother Earth; retrieving insightful learning from the World Tree of Consciousness; releasing the negativity that has been holding you back; and receiving a lost part of your soul, which will reintegrate fully.
It's free!
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